Thinking Good Thoughts and Praying Through Today

Thinking Good Thoughts and Praying Through Today

Yesterday was...okay. I could have done things a little bit differently and perhaps it would have been great, but it was okay and I'm okay with it just being okay :-)

Hope that makes sense. Makes sense in my mind :-)

So far, today promises to be better than just 'okay'. I was able to get up on time (thank you Jesus!), and spend a little quality time with my Father. And I had the pleasure of taking a shower without sticking my head out every few minutes to listen out for Dimeji. He was still sleeping.

There is something, so wonderful about waking up before my busy body son. Having a cup of coffee, brushing my teeth, applying a color to my eyelids...There is just something motivating to my spirit about being able to do those things before he gets up in the morning.


Today I am choosing to forget those things that are behind me and press forward to what lies ahead. Today I am thinking of all the things I have to be happy about no matter how small and I am minimizing all the things that would otherwise get me down, no matter how big!

Like the mess in my office...

...oh well! I'll clean it up when I feel inclined, but on the bright side... I gave myself a manicure and pedicure last night. 

And I am going to try praying though the day. This morning as I read through the Word for the Day on JoelOsteen.com I was encouraged to press through. And although I could stand to do some of that, I feel the need to focus on praying through even more. I have a tendency to think I can handle my life all by myself. Usually, the minute that sense of pride comes over me I am immediately tested and reminded of how much better my days are when I just rely on God to be my strength. So today, I am praying through.

I have a list of "to-do's" and prayerfully at the end of the day it'll be a list of "done dids".

As far as that break through I'm chasing, despite yesterday being okay, I do have confidence that I am heading in the right direction and the break thought is in reach.

Time to get busy!

** I just had to capture my feelings this morning on video. Enjoy the vlog!**

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